
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Links and More

Mike From Paceadvantage, a friend of HANA, had a very good editorial on the Rachel Alexandra situation yesterday, called 'Racing industry's dysfunction about to reach new heights'. He never writes these, but he should write more of them if this is the quality of his pieces.

Another friend of HANA has been Trackmaster. When we have needed a free PP for our betting day, or had a question in general Craig and the guys have helped. They are using social media in a good way by creating a Facebook page. The page offers freebies to fans from time to time, and you can check it out here. They already have 450 fans, which is good to see. More and more people in racing are using Facebook to get to fans. Not long ago Wolf from Turfway used Facebook to offer out coupons, which were well received for its Friday nights at Turfway promos for younger fans.

Just a quick note to all of you who contact us - we appreciate it and we do read everything. Unfortunately we are 100% volunteer and the board all has 'real' jobs to tend to. If we do not get back to you, or are late in doing so, that is the reason why. We are growing leaps and bounds right now and several of you have expressed interest in helping us out. We hope to have some fresh legs for 2009 to keep growing, and helping to change the game for the better.

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