
Monday, December 22, 2008

Question - What Tracks to Play?

We've had a few posts below on what overseas players are playing in US racing. A quote from a European player I read on their chat area is interesting to me. "We need liquity. If a US track is on TV here, and there is little competition against it, we will play it no matter what. The best track in terms of betting volume here was Great Lakes Downs"

Say what? Great Lakes?

I understand where that player is coming from. I often play cheaper tracks like Mountaineer - The mountain is on at night, it is available at just about every ADW known to man including rebaters. I play that much more than Hollywood Park for example.

What about you? Do you play only the big tracks? Does it make a difference if the quality of racing is like Woodbine with its $75,000 purses, or are you just as well to play Hawthorne with purses only a fraction of that? Do you depend on knowing the training colony or track bias and find that is more of a reason to play than field quality? Does field size like we see at Fairgrounds make more of a difference to you than betting availability?

The questions are endless. We are sending out a questionnaire soon to members where we will explore some of these things. I think they will help us understand what horseplayers want and need from the tracks in terms of these questions.

Thanking you in advance if you contribute.

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