
Monday, August 14, 2017

What Horseplayers have been saying about the Keeneland Takeout Increase

I've been getting lots of comments and emails about the Keeneland takeout increase.

They tend to fall into two categories:

Category #1:
--No need to boycott. Just make everyone aware of the situation and let people decide on their own.
--I believe HANA should go on a campaign to inform the handicapper of these hikes using all of its marketing power. 
--Yes, this is a stab in the back to horseplayers. But there's no need to boycott. Just let the market do your talking for you.

Category #2:
--I am livid Keeneland did this. Definitely boycott. And keep boycotting until they reverse their decision.
--And boycott Churchill too while you're at it.
--Use the website and spread the word for bettors nationwide to not bet a dime with Keeneland.
--Boycott. Maybe pressure from HANA and another meet of declining handle will force management to reverse this decision. 

My thoughts and comments:

The above selected comments were cut and pasted from emails that I received. They capture perfectly what a lot of horseplayers have been telling me.

If you're a bettor you shouldn't be surprised that I've been getting about two emails that belong in category #2 for every one email that belongs in category #1.

Based on that - and the numbers from the survey:

I'm beginning to suspect Keeneland may have vastly underestimated the amount of player badwill they've created over this.

--Jeff Platt, HANA President

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