Screenshot #1 - From Race Video - A Three Horse Show Photo

Screenshot #2 - The Official Chart

Screenshot #3 - Official Chart (Enlarged)

The screenshot of the race video clearly shows three horses noses apart. A photo was required by the placing judges to separate them.
Yet the Official Chart shows daylight between these horses.
I hate to ask the obvious, but…
If the Official Chart can be so blatantly off – How much hope, if any, should we as horseplayers hold out that the published times (and speed figures) for the horses involved will have any semblance of accuracy when the first of these horses returns to race again a few weeks from now?
We at HANA would like to know what you think about this. We welcome commentary from players, track management, horsemen, and (in this case) the chart caller.
Jeff Platt
President, HANA
The Chart Caller was asleep or was thinking of the wrong race. Someone should have contacted the Brisnet about this. Let the caller go back and watch the right race and correct the chart.
I'm struggling with the fact that the numbers on the saddleclothes don't match the results...
Hi Scorp,
The photo above was for show.
On twitter, the marketing person from Arlington said this was likely a keying mistake and no fault of the chartcaller.
I'm fairly certain that the final beaten lenghts are computed by the photo company not the chart caller. The chart caller only calls the beaten lengths for the internal calls
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